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Call to Order
4. Consent Agenda:
6.(a) A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation winter contract (2021-2022) for road salt; and declaring an emergency (A-21-16)
9. Miscellaneous and acknowledgement of the public:
10. Agenda requests and committee meeting schedules
11. Reports of the Administration
12. Acknowledgement of the receipt of the March 2021 report from the Auditor and Treasurer
Apr 12, 2021 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order
4. Consent Agenda:
6.(a) A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation winter contract (2021-2022) for road salt; and declaring an emergency (A-21-16)
9. Miscellaneous and acknowledgement of the public:
10. Agenda requests and committee meeting schedules
11. Reports of the Administration
12. Acknowledgement of the receipt of the March 2021 report from the Auditor and Treasurer
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