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Call to Order
4. Consent Agenda
6.(a) A Resolution authorizing the sale through the calendar year 2029 of municipally owned personal property which is not needed for public use, or which is obsolete or unfit for the use for which it was acquired, but internet auction, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15(D); and declaring an emergency.
6.(b) An Ordinance authorizing the Safety Service Director to sell through the calendar year 2029 municipally owned personal property the estimated value of which is one thousand dollars or more that Is not needed for public use, or which is obsolete or unfit for the use for which it was acquired by internet auction, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15 (D); and declaring an emergency.
10. Agenda requests and committee meeting schedules
11. Reports of the Administration
12. Acknowledgement of the receipt of the February 2025 Auditor and Treasurer reports.
Mar 10, 2025 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order
4. Consent Agenda
6.(a) A Resolution authorizing the sale through the calendar year 2029 of municipally owned personal property which is not needed for public use, or which is obsolete or unfit for the use for which it was acquired, but internet auction, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15(D); and declaring an emergency.
6.(b) An Ordinance authorizing the Safety Service Director to sell through the calendar year 2029 municipally owned personal property the estimated value of which is one thousand dollars or more that Is not needed for public use, or which is obsolete or unfit for the use for which it was acquired by internet auction, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15 (D); and declaring an emergency.
10. Agenda requests and committee meeting schedules
11. Reports of the Administration
12. Acknowledgement of the receipt of the February 2025 Auditor and Treasurer reports.
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